Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Guest forms for Snowball are available in the Main Office until the end of the day today. Forms are due no later than 3pm TOMORROW…NO EXCEPTIONS! Snowball Tickets will be on sale today after school in the Cafeteria and will be sold through Thursday. Tickets are $15 a person, or $30 a couple.
Attention all students! Candygrams are back! Everyday during lunch this week you can purchase Candygrams during your lunch and send a candy and special note to anyone you choose (friends or staff). Candy available will include KitKat, Twix, M&M, Skittle, Sour Punch Straws and Starburst. Each Candygram costs $2 and you cannot purchase any more candy after the lunch bell rings, so buy them towards the beginning of lunch. Please bring exact change as we might not be able to make change. Sales end this Thursday, February 6th. The NHS board will pass out the purchased Candygrams during homeroom on Valentine’s Day, the 14th!
Sports Announcements for Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Good luck to the Girls Basketball program who hosts Cabrini tonight at home. JV plays at 5:30 and Varsity plays at 7:00.
Good luck to the Boys Basketball team who plays at Hazel Park tonight. JV plays at 5:30 and Varsity plays at 7:00.
Good luck to the Bowling team who compete in a CHSL matchup vs. FGR at Astro Lanes at 3:30pm.
Good luck to the BFC United Hockey team who play against Grand Blanc HS at 6pm at Crystal Fieldhouse Ice Arena.