Friday, March 7, 2025
Friday, March 7, 2025
Today is the last day to pre order a bagel for the Moms’ Club St. Patrick’s Day Green Bagel sale. Bagel sales will be taking place during both lunch periods, and the choices are plain or salt for $1, with cream cheese extra for $1. This is a cash only sale and bagels are only available to purchase during this presale. There will be no sales day of delivery. Bagels will be delivered during homeroom on Friday, March 14th.
Looking for some uplifting music and dance? Tonight and tomorrow at Lamphere High School the BFC performing Arts Department is presenting White Christmas! The show starts at 7pm and tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door. We hope to see you there!
Are you still in need of service hours? We've got three opportunities coming up next week right here at BFC! On Wednesday, March 12 we'll be hosting 7th graders from St. Lawrence for another 5 Alive event. Student volunteers will be needed from 1- 3:15pm. Contact Mrs. Baumgartner for more information and to sign up. On Thursday & Friday, March 13 & 14, students are needed to help prepare for the Fall Open House. Please contact Mrs. Baumgartner ASAP if you are interested in helping with any of these opportunities
Sports Announcements for Friday, March 7, 2025
There will be a Boys Lacrosse meeting tonight at 6:30 pm in the weight room. If you are interested in playing lacrosse this year please attend the meeting. If you can't attend, please email the coach at
Track practice begins on Monday, March 10. All athletes should meet in Coach Lewis' room (130) at 3:45 for a short meeting before heading out to the track for practice.
Good luck to the Girls Basketball team who play at Clawson vs Shrine at 7pm for District Finals.