Friday, February 3, 2025
Friday, February 3, 2025
On Saturday, the BFC Forensics Team had their 2nd competition of the season. Team members spoke well and the following members earned not only a ribbon, but now have the chance to compete in National Qualifiers, at the end of March, for a chance to compete in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. Each team member who competed made BFC proud! Congratulations to: Ellie Kromer earned 5th in Oral Interpretation of Literature. Joscelyn Ryan earned 4th in Oral Interpretation of Literature. Micah Graettinger earned 4th in extemporaneous speaking with a new person best, earning 2nd place in 2 out of 3 rounds. Aiden Zalewski, earned 4th place in oration. After announcements, would all team members who competed this weekend, please come to lab 4 for photos and to receive your critique sheets.
Guest forms for Snowball are available in the Main Office until tomorrow. Forms are due no later than 3pm this Wednesday…NO EXCEPTIONS! Snowball Tickets will be on sale starting today after school in the Cafeteria and will be sold through Friday. Tickets are $15 a person, or $30 a couple.
Attention all students! Candygrams are back! Everyday during lunch this week you can purchase Candygrams during your lunch and send a candy and special note to anyone you choose (friends or staff). Candy available will include KitKat, Twix, M&M, Skittle, Sour Punch Straws and Starburst. Each Candygram costs $2 and you cannot purchase any more candy after the lunch bell rings, so buy them towards the beginning of lunch. Please bring exact change as we might not be able to make change. Sales end this Friday, February 7th and again…Candygrams will ONLY BE SOLD DURING LUNCH so DO NOT wait until the last minute. Sales will stop 5 minutes before the lunch bell rings. The NHS board will pass out the purchased Candygrams during homeroom on Valentine’s Day, the 14th! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Tad Dobek, Zane Taulbee, Rosie Lass or Ms. Hughes.
The next Culinary Club meeting will be tomorrow at 3PM in the Kitchen - Email miss Hughes if you plan on attending.
PASS will be taking place in the Media Center this afternoon from 2:55-3:30. This is a perfect time to get a start on homework or start to prepare for an upcoming test. Friendly NHS students are eager to work with you. Hope to see you there.
Sports Announcements for Monday, February 3, 2025
Good luck to the Boys Varsity Basketball team who play today at Detroit Cristo Rey at 5:30pm.