Attn Juniors: Junior Retreat Permission forms are due tomorrow, Tuesday Nov. 1st. Please see the reminder email from Mrs. Baumgartner that was sent yesterday. If you have the packet of forms, please bring them to the main office after announcements.
After school tutoring, this week, will be on Tuesday, November 1st and Thursday, November 3rd in Lab 4 of the Media Center. This is a great opportunity to get some extra support. We have tutors available to help with ALL classes.
Mark your calendar - The next Medical Science Club meeting is Monday November 7th in Room 124 at 3PM. All are welcome to attend - Please see Miss Hughes or Mr Novajovsky with any questions.
The next Culinary Club Meeting Is Tuesday November 8th at 3PM in the Kitchen. All are welcome but you need to register online - Please see the flyer with QR code outside of Room 122 to register. You must register by 8am Monday November 7th as space is limited. See Miss Hughes if you have any questions.