About BFC

Bishop Foley Catholic's mission and ministry is to form young minds, get to know and love Christ, while at the same time receiving an excellent academic education. BFC is a warm and welcoming community that offers many opportunities for growth in academic excellence, friendships, teamwork, and faith. In turn, BFC benefits from the many talents and gifts our students bring to the community.

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Join the Foley Family! When you take part in on-campus tours, Venture for a Day experiences, and open houses, you will be able to discover what it means to be part of our extraordinary community and how we can assist you as you venture to become the very best version of yourself.

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Bishop Foley Catholic offers a college preparatory academic program with more than 100 courses and 20 AP and honors classes. In addition to the traditional required high school classes, Foley includes additional course offerings in STEM, performing/visual arts, foreign language, theology, and more.

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Student Life

Ventures at Bishop Foley Catholic can explore a diverse mix of clubs and extracurricular activities that appeal to a variety of interests. Students can participate in clubs that explore music, performing arts, visual arts, community service, faith, science, technology, and much more.

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Bishop Foley Catholic’s mission and ministry is to form young minds, get to know and love Christ, while at the same time receiving an excellent academic education. BFC is a warm and welcoming community that offers many opportunities for growth in academic excellence, friendships, teamwork, and faith.

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Bishop Foley Catholic High school strives to be a Christ-centered school that encourages students and staff to live as missionary disciples. We accomplish this mission by rooting our day in countless opportunities to pray, serve and learn.

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Foley alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends of our beloved school understand the value of a Bishop Foley Catholic education. We are ever grateful to those who support our Mission, which is to provide a Christ-centered environment that emphasizes academic excellence to develop the whole person in mind, body and spirit.

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Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 6, 2025 / 5 mins read

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tomorrow morning is the last day to bring in new children's books that are being collected for the Book Drive. Please bring as many as you can! If you bring 3 or more new books you can get candy from NHS. Donations are going to the Children's Hospital in Detroit. If you have any questions please contact Sophia Moceri or the NHS board.

Join us at 7:20 tomorrow morning, and every Friday, in the Chapel to pray the Rosary before classes begin. Contact Josie Malysz or Joey Maddock with any questions.

The Moms’ Club St. Patrick’s Day Green Bagel sale kicks off today! Pre Orders will be today and Friday during both lunch periods. Bagel choices are plain or salt for $1, and cream cheese is extra for $1. This is a cash only sale and bagels are only available to purchase during this presale. There will be no sales day of delivery. Bagels will be delivered during homeroom on Friday, March 14th.

PASS will be taking place in the media center this afternoon from 2:55-3:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. It's a great time to get a jump start on homework, complete test corrections or review notes with others. Remember, the end of the 3rd card marking is Friday, March 14th!

This month, the BFC Book Club will be reading THE INHERITANCE GAMES by Jennifer Lynne Barnes. We will be meeting to discuss this book on Thursday, March 27th. Check the tv monitors for more details regarding the meeting.

Who doesn't love Christmas? I know there are some of you but for the rest of us, there is a way to get in the Christmas spirit this weekend. The Performing Arts Department is presenting White Christmas this weekend at Lamphere High School. Curtain is 7 pm both nights and tickets are $10 for students. We hope to see you there!

As a reminder for those of you who do not participate in the yearly dress down Fridays, tomorrow is a $2.00 dress down day to benefit the scholarship fund.

Here is your weekly announcement from the Mental Health Team: One disorder that is often misunderstood is OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's important to realize that OCD is more than just preferring things to be a certain way, but rather an involuntary cycle of anxiety. People with OCD have intrusive thoughts, or obsessions, which can then be followed by compulsions - behaviors done in an attempt to get rid of their anxiety, which may still return. More people need to be aware so the challenges are seen for what they truly are and those with OCD feel less alone. If you are interested in learning more about autism spectrum disorder or sharing what you know, join us at the next mental health club meeting on Tuesday, March 25 in Mr. Swift's room.

Sports Announcements for Thursday, March 6, 2025

Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Basketball team who won last night vs Clawson 38 to 24 with an impressive performance from Ellie Barnes scoring 11 points. With this win, the team plays tomorrow in District Finals at 7pm at Shrine.

There will be a Boys Lacrosse meeting this Friday, March 7th at 6:30 pm in the weight room. If you are interested in playing lacrosse this year please attend the meeting. If you can't attend, please email the coach at lacrosse@bishopfoley.org.

This is a final reminder for all the blood donation participants to download the Red Cross Blood Donor app and be ready to fill out your rapid pass tomorrow morning. Please wear a short sleeve shirt. Additionally, there will be a breakfast for staff and students participating at 7:20am in the Fan Cave.

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